RAPA Origins

We are pleased to share the “RAPA Origins” article which has been published in the July 2016 edition of the SOA Reinsurance Section Newsletter with a podcast to follow shortly.  In this edition we highlight the history, purpose, evolution, and outlook of our well-regarded association.  We plan to follow up on this article in the November 2016 newsletter which provides a bit more depth/breadth on our initiatives.

RAPA Origins _July2016 Newsletter

Also, you will find other interesting articles such as the “Results of the 2015 Life Reinsurance Survey” which provides a good view of the Reinsurance Landscape in both Canada and the US with breakdowns on Group and Individual reinsurance business.  Historical articles from the SOA Reinsurance Section Newsletter can be found at this link if you’re interested.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Greg LaRochelle

Chair – RAPA