To find out details about RAPA’s specific initiatives click on the links below.
2024 Communication Initiative Roadmap:
The 2022 Communication initiatives include:
1. General clean-up of the site; update various sections with current and relative content, archive older content.
2. Website enhancements (which includes improving our conference and registration online process)
3. Improving communications through social media channels (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)
4. In concert with the Education Committee; exploring the use and benefits of Webinars
5. In partnership with the Membership Committee; publish and make available for download; membership list, new organization marketing packages
The Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association encourages you to join our group of industry professionals. The association encourages knowledge sharing, networking and industry best practices.
The Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association encourages you to join our group of industry professionals. The association encourages knowledge sharing, networking, and industry best practices.
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