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A message to all conference attendees…

We are very pleased that you are attending the 2015 RAPA Fall Conference in Phoenix Tempe!

This Sunday’s reception will take place from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Market Café & Patio.  A complete overview of the agenda is attached which includes exact times and location for each of the events.   This year we will be continuing our roundtable discussions which provide all attendees the opportunity to discuss relevant operational topics in a smaller group setting.   We have provided a list of the discussion items so that you have a chance to think about these topics in advance.

Please note that our Monday evening reception and dinner will take place beginning at 6:30 pm at the Pool Deck. Please note that attire for all sessions on Monday and Tuesday will be business casual. For our Sunday night reception and Monday dinner event the attire is resort casual.  You must wear your name badges to the Sunday reception and Monday evening dinner in order to be served.

We will be providing copies of the agenda (RAPA Fall 2015 Agenda) and list of attendees (Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association_10132015) on Monday morning.  Also, please note the resorts Narande spa is extending 20% off to our group, additional information is attached.

A big thanks to the Planning Committee who have done an outstanding job providing a variety of interesting presentations with excellent speakers.  We again have exceeded over 100 attendees for the fall conference!

We look forward to seeing you all at the conference.

Best regards,

Greg LaRochelle


Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association