Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association
Our primary focus is life and health reinsurance operations which includes administration, treaties and audit.
With a focus on operational risk, innovation, data, leadership, education, and key industry trends/standards; RAPA aspires to be the primary educator of reinsurance administration principles, challenges, and best practices while building and cultivating professional networks in our industry.
Established in the late 1980’s the Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association, or RAPA, has become the primary educator of reinsurance administration principles, issues, and best practices in the industry. RAPA is the industry’s leading voice for reinsurance data standards and the driving force behind improved data quality.
Driven by innovation and passion for improving the industry, RAPA’s vision is to be the leading global organization within the (re)insurance industry by creating a forum for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking.
The Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association encourages you to join our group of industry professionals. The association encourages knowledge sharing, networking and industry best practices.
The Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association encourages you to join our group of industry professionals. The association encourages knowledge sharing, networking, and industry best practices.
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